Sirona CEREC AC Bluecam Dental Acquisition Unit




The CEREC Bluecam is a handheld acquisition camera that uses a highly visible blue-light LED (light emitting diode) to capture digital impressions. Sirona’s CEREC Bluecam provides the user with several advantages. According to the manufacturer, the CEREC Bluecam captures more detail than any other camera on the market. In addition, the CEREC Bluecam acquires images automatically. Users can simply position the lens over the desired area and let CEREC Bluecam do the rest. CEREC Bluecam senses when the area is in focus and automatically captures the digital impression without user intervention, providing easier and shorter acquisition times.
CEREC Bluecam offers precision thanks to a uniform field of illumination. The optics used in the camera have been optimized for a higher depth of field and accuracy, and they have been coupled with increased computing power, providing crisp, detailed impressions for precise 3D digital models.
The speed of capture with the CEREC Bluecam is exceptional. Users can capture a half-arch digital impression in 40 seconds and a full-arch digital impression in just 2 minutes. An integral part of the CEREC AC, the CEREC Bluecam makes digital impression capture easy and efficient.


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