Siemens Acuson Sequoia 512 LCD Ultrasound Machine
18″ Flat panel LCD Monitor–Progressive Media & Display II Package, Cardiac/OB/Vascular Calc. Package, Signature II Option, AUX, CPS Cardiology, CPS General Cadene Trigg Burst, Calc Data to MO, Card Cadence II Contrast Quant, Cornoary Flow reserve, Dicome Store/Print, DTI (Doppler Tissue Imaging), High HR ECG, MIS/MIF, Modality Worklist Native TEQ, Native TEQ, NTHI (Native Tissue Harmonics), Spectral TEQ, TEQ (Tissue Equalization), VVI
Shared Service
Native Patient Specific Imaging
Four Sight TEE view
Axius quantitative strain rate imaging
Cadence contrast pulse sequencing technology
Native Tissue Harmonic Imaging
Native TEQ ultrasound technology
Color doppler, Color angio and b-color
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