Carestream CS 7600 Dental Scanner




Launched in late 2011, the Carestream CS 7600 Dental Scanner is a Brand New Alternative from Carestream (Formally Kodak), representing a significant step forward in the evolution of dental intra-oral digital x-ray imaging
Reinventing imaging plate technology, the CS 7600 improves usability, productivity, and security. Scan & Go technology prevents plate mix-up, differentiating the plates electronically with patient information. Pictures are viewable within five seconds. Up to 17 line pairs/mm accurate resolution.
Carestream phosphor plate program CS 7600 quickly produces high-quality intraoral images every time it’s used. Access your first image in as few as five minutes, or scan and exhibit a full mouth set (FMS) in just minutes to receive the high-resolution images you want to make sure diagnoses.
The CS 7600 extends beyond the essentials of top efficiency. With flexible imaging capabilities along with a fully automatic workflow, the system is designed to boost productivity and encourage sharing. The unit is always accessible –making it a flexible alternative for multi-user practices
Building on the success of established phosphor plate imaging systems, the CS7600 offers:
Increased resolution at 17 line-pairs
Smart-chip RFI plates for error-free scanning
Thumbnail image display
‘Scan-and-Go’ option to ‘tag’ an image directly to a patient
High-speed scanning – as fast as 5s per image
LAN IP connection – no PC or Practice Management license required
PACS/RIS connection option
Small desktop design for central or chairside use
Full range of imaging sizes from ‘Size 0’ Paediatric to ‘Size 4’ Occlusa


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