Maarc T-Fill Temporary self-curing Dental Filling Material




T-fill is ready to use temporary filling material self-curing under humidity for temporary filling of cavities
For use as Temporary filling material after Endodontic treatment
For use as Temporary Inlay material
Eugenol Free offers non irritating properties.
Higher adhesion to teeth structure.
Micronised and homogeneously mixed for grain free consistency.
Quick setting in moist conditions.
There is minor but even expansion on setting so no cracks develop, giving best sealing hence Protecting to Pulp
40 gms
Contains appropriate lubricant to minimize potential of file breakage
Helps in mechanical as well as chemical cleansing of root canal preparations
17% E.D.T.A helps in chelating the calcium salts
Gel helps lubricate endodontic instrument and makes penetration easier
10% carbamide peroxide promotes internal bleaching on irrigation with hypochlorite solution
Syringe tip delivery
Unsurpassed chelating action.
2g Syringe
Dolo 4×2 gm Syringe


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